Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Perjalanan Kapal Rachel Corrie

Asal usul nama kapal:

Merupakan nama seorang aktivis dari Amerika Syarikat yang bersama-sama rakyat palestin menghalang dari rumah-rumah rakyat palestin dirobohkan di gaza oleh yahudi israel, tetapi keangkuhan israel terus membunuh dengan jentera berat...

This is activist of Rachel Corrie who had been murder tragically. Click the picture to see more....

Above is the situation of how Rachel Corrie had been murder and see what israel (Bad Jews=BJ) says about it. BJ says that a Rachel Corrie is stupid because protect a house of the terrorist. Actually, BJ started the "terrorist campaign".From what I've seen, "terrorist" is the person who are against the israel.

Perjalanan kapal Rachel Corrie:
3 kapal israel mengekori jauh kapal Rachel Corrie.
israel sabotaj sistem komunikasi satelit.
Sistem radar kapal Rachel Corrie diganggu.
hubungan dengan kapal Rachel Corrie terputus.
israel nekad halang kapal Rachel Corrie ke gaza.
israel arah kapal Rachel Corrie ke pelabuhan ashdod.
israel merampas kapal Rachel Corrie

We STRONGLY condemn israel for what they did to palestine people.
If you're in palestine situation, what you feel....??

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